Copays are due at the time of service. Our offices accept cash, check, Visa, American Express, MasterCard and Discover. All returned checks will be assessed a $35.00 returned check fee in addition to the original charge.
Please make all checks payable to Amboy Medical Practice, PC.
Insurance Cards
Insurance cards are required at every visit. If there are any change to your insurance including but not limited to, new insurance member identification number and/or group number, please inform our office. If you have not provided our office with the correct insurance information, you will be responsible for any balance due. We are unable to re-submit insurance claims.
Self-Pay Patients
If you do not have insurance, your balance is due at the time of your office visit. Our offices accept cash, check, Visa, American Express, MasterCard and Discover.
Workman’s Compensation
If your visit will not be submitted under your insurance plan, our office must have all necessary claim information before or at the time of your visit. If you are unsure of what information you will need to bring with you, please contact our offices before your visit. We may need to reschedule your appointment until we have the necessary claim information. If you do not provide us with the correct information, you will be personally responsible for any outstanding balances. Please note that not all Richmond Health Network/Amboy Medical Practice providers participate with Workman’s Compensation. The following specialties are examples of those that accept Workman’s Compensation: Orthopedics, Neurosurgery, and Rheumatology. You will need to confirm with your provider prior to your visit to see if they participate in Workman’s Compensation.
Monthly Billing Statements
Every month our office sends out a monthly billing statement to every patient. The balance due is the remainder owed after your insurance has paid. It is your responsibility to pay your monthly statement each month even if you and your insurance company are disputing the coverage.
If your account balance is unpaid and overdue after three monthly statements or more and you have not responded to any of our attempts to contact you, your account will be referred to a collection agency. Once your account is in collections, you will be dismissed from our practices and any further communication concerning your account will be between you and the collections agency. Again, please note that we will only proceed to these measures if you do not respond to our attempts to communicate with you and set up a payment plan.
Payment Plans
If you have negotiated a payment plan with us, you are responsible for making timely and consistent monthly payments. We offer payment plans as a courtesy to our patients in time of financial need. If you fail to make your scheduled due date, your account will be sent to collections for non-payment.
Lateness for Scheduled Appointments
Please try to make every effort to notify our office if you will be arriving late to your appointment. If you will be more than 30 minutes late, we may need to reschedule your appointment or we may ask that you wait until the next open spot in the schedule while we continue to see the patients who have arrived on time.
Paperwork to be Filled out by Doctor
An appointment may be required to have forms completed. Please check with our staff to see if your form will require an office visit. If a scheduled appointment is required, your copay will be due at the time of your visit.
Not Showing for your Scheduled Appointment
We kindly ask that you provide at least 24 hours’ notice to our offices if you need to cancel your appointment. Patients that frequently no show or cancel their appointments will result in being discharged from our practice.
Exchange of Medical Information
All requests by patients for the exchanging of medical records must be signed and in writing by letter, fax, or a medical release of information form. Verbal requests are not acceptable. A request is not necessary if the information is shared with a physician that one of our providers has referred you to.
Request for Copies of Medical Records
We do charge a fee for the copying of medical records. The fee and length of time to copy the medical record is dictated by the size of the chart. Please give the offices advance notice if you are requesting medical record copies. The copying fee payment is due at the time of pick up. You can contact Medical Records via email ( or call for a status request at 610-994-7500 opt #1.
Diagnosis Codes
Our office cannot recode an office visit because your insurance will not cover certain visits. This is illegal and considered fraud. It is the responsibility of you as the patient to know what your insurance covers. Physicals, shots and psychiatric care are a few examples of what some insurance companies may not cover. Always remember to call your insurance company to verify coverage. It will be your responsibility to pay any unpaid amount that your insurance does not cover within 30 days.
Test Results
Our office will notify you with the results from testing as soon as they become available to us and are reviewed by your doctor. If another physician ordered the test and copies are sent to us, it is the responsibility of the ordering physician to contact you.
Uncooperative Patients
Physicians are not required to continue treatment of a patient who is uncooperative, refuses to follow treatment advice and/or presents difficulties in the doctor-patient relationship. Our goal is to try to accommodate all of our patients’ needs. Demanding and abusive language does not help us achieve that goal. Patients may be dismissed from our practice for non-compliance.